2012 InPrint Magazine2012 Indigo Magazine2012 Behind Illustrations2011 Zupi Magazine2011 Opticks Magazine2011 Cutting Edges: Contemporary Collage2010 Chakota Magazine2010 {img.} 50 Formas de Ver la Ilustración2009 Cut & Paste: Collage Put Into Practice2008 Moloko Plus Magazine2008 Blanket Magazine
2007 Cru-A Magazine
客户名单:Wired UK, GQ Spain, The Guardian, The Hollywood Reporter, Dinero Magazine, Wired USA, The Quarterly Magazine, Il Sole 24 Ore, Museums Association, The CMA, Marketing Magazine, Poder Magazine, Diners Magazine, YCN.org, Letras Libres, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Casa Editorial El Tiempo, StrangeLove Organic Energy Drink, Jazeera Magazine, Bienestar Magazine......