
开幕时间:2019.07.02 18:00
学术主持:王泓 纽约蓝蓝

《国际玩笑》12张 纸本 80cm×55cm 2019年

《躲猫猫》14张 纸本 110cm×80cm 2019年

“Shen Jingdong was here-New York solo exhibition”
Curator: Shen Cen
Artist: Shen Jingdong
Exhibition time: July 1, 2019 to July 15 2019
Location: Chinese museum of art, New York
Detailed address:The New York Gallery of Chinese Art,91a Allen Street, NY,
NY 10002
"Shen Jingdong was here-Venice solo exhibition" opened in Venice on May 8, 2019, and ran until November 24. From July 1st to 15th of the same year, Shen Jingdong came to New York with the same theme: “Shen Jingdong was here-New York solo exhibition”. In October, he will continue to do a solo exhibition with the same theme in Paris. The three exhibitions will complete Shen Jingdong’s art mission for this year.
Who is Shen Jingdong? He is a Chinese artist with a distinctive art style. His style has been continuously changing and developing during his career. Since the year 2003, the figures he painted with porcelain effects have become his main expression. Shen Jingdong has held multiple group exhibitions and solo exhibitions in China and other countries, and this is his third solo exhibition in New York.
The title of the exhibition, "Shen Jingdong was here," was inspired by an old Chinese saying. People in China used to love putting graffiti marks on walls or bamboo with knives or other sharp instruments when they travelled to a new place. They believed the marks they left behind were a symbol of existence. In western culture, graffiti of a cartoon human face with a big nose was found left by many people. Symbols like this one can be found all over the world. It is really funny to think about. People always believe that Eastern culture is very different from Western culture. However, they are also very similar in so many ways. In this exhibition, Shen Jingdong sees himself as a tourist. He uses a third person point of view to express how an artist observes the contemporary world.

《玩皮的小东》 纸本 80cm×55cm 2019年

《玩皮的小东》 纸本 80cm×55cm 2019年

四张组合《CCTV》(丝网版68版) 57cm×77cm 2019年

军帽(不锈钢) 直径28cm×宽度25cm×高度16cm 2008年

《英雄》 玻璃钢喷漆 170cm×53cm×35 2008年

