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美国千禧一代现代绘画艺术家特睿·阿布德拉(Trey Abdella)
温钦画廊 / 2024-05-28

特睿·阿布德拉(Trey Abdella)1994年出生于美国西弗吉尼亚州,现生活和工作于纽约布鲁克林。



Gutted,2022Acrylic, resin, foam, fabric, denim, urethane, glitter, yarn, glass beads, fake roach, poster board, plaster wraps, and marker on canvas wrapped shaped panel99”x96”x13” in





A Reason For The Season,2022

Acrylic, resin, plastic, hologram fan, stuffed doll, fake christmas tree, light bulb, plastic, foam, christmas ornaments on canvas wrapped panel 109”x81”x30” in





The Winner Takes It All,2022

Acrylic, colored pencil, and sintra on shaped canvas wrapped panel 114”x71”x3.5” in





I Love You,2022

Acrylic, cotton, urethane, glitter, and bark on Linen 109”x70”x1.5” in





Loose Tooth,2022Acrylic, resin, 3D hologram fan, and lenticular print on linen102”x83”in





Midnight Mass,2022

Acrylic, resin, deer skin, fabric, ink, plastic, and LED lights on shaped panel 78”x60”x4”in





September,2022Acrylic, foam, lenticular print, oil stick, ink, crayon, and paper on canvas wrapped panel116”x70”in





Neighborhood Watch,2022

Acrylic on Linen 137”x31”in





Sunday Morning,2022

Acrylic, orthodontic model, epoxy clay, sawdust, resin, plastic, miniature figures, and ceramic church on canvas wrapped panel20”x16”x11.5” in





Caught In A Lie,2021

acrylic, glass, hot glue on shaped canvas on fake cobwebs/spiders, magic sculpt, foam, plaster, music wire, resin, hot glue, orthodontic teeth model






Acrylic, resin, and wigs on linen74”x130” in





Washed Up,2021

Acrylic, resin, fiberglass, plastic, light bulb, dollar bill, Seashells, rocks, glass, CD, on Linen wrapped panel 45”x81”x15”in





Never Enough,2021Acrylic on Linen74”x100” in







Nightcall,2021Acrylic, resin, Vinyl, LED lights, hot glue, plastic, metal lock, keys, and mirrored clock on Linen64"x86" in







Bootleg,2021Acrylic, led lights, resin, plastic, fabric, and glitter on linen 78”x60” in







Playboy,2021Acrylic, glass, fabric, and resin on linen 78”x86” in







In The Gutter,2021acrylic, resin, glass, gravel, eyeball, ballpoint pen, glitter, artificial plants, keychain, paintbrush on linen86”x68” in







Abracadabra,2021Acrylic, resin, fabric, glass, hot glue, cross, flocking, thumbtacks, and wig on linen78”x86” in







The Sleepover,2021Acrylic, resin, colored pencil, crayon, and stickers on linen78”x60” in







Holding Up The Line,2021acrylic, glass, resin, glitter, wigs, thumbtacks, magic 8 ball on canvas 68”x86” in







Another Year OlderAcrylic, glass, glitter, urethane, wig, rhinestone, fabric, collage, and birthday card on linen78”x86” in







Sunny Days,2020Acrylic on Linen78”x86”in







Temper Tantrum,2020Acrylic, glass, urethane, glitter, thumbtack, denim, wig, crayon, resin, flocking, collage, and ruler on Linen78”x86” in







Cutting You Off,2020Acrylic, glass, cotton, denim, fabric, wig, hot glue, fake leaves, thumbtack, and beads on linen 100”x50” in







Hot and Heavy,2020Acrylic, urethane, and glitter on Linen78”x68” in






Dead Man Walking,2020Acrylic, glass, oil stick, hot glue, urethane, and glitter on canvas78”x68” in







©Trey Abdella








巴勃罗·毕加索 Pablo Picasso,安迪.沃霍尔, 文森特.梵高Vincent Gogh, 亨利.马蒂斯Henri Matisse, 弗里达·卡罗 F.KAHLO, 格哈德·里希特 G.Richter, 威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 W A Bouguereau, 马克·夏加尔M. Chagall, 克劳德·莫奈 C.Monet, 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 Rembrandt, 圭尔奇诺 Guercino, 马蒂亚·普雷蒂 Preti, 翁贝特·波丘尼 U. Boccioni, 鲁西奥·芳塔纳 L.Fontana, 弗朗西斯·培根 F. Bacon, 让-米歇尔.巴斯奎特J.M.Basquiat, 拉斐尔·桑西 Raffaello, 卡纳列托 A. Canaletto, 保罗·委罗内塞 Veronese, 皮埃尔.奥古斯特.雷诺阿 P.A. Renoir, 保罗.塞尚P.Cezanne, 雷尼·马格利特 R.Magritte, 萨尔瓦多.达利 S. Dali, 阿梅代奥.莫迪利亚尼 A.Modigliani, 希罗尼穆斯·博斯 H.Bosch, 弗朗西斯科.戈雅 F.Goya, 彼得.保罗.鲁本斯 P.P. Rubens, 丁托列托 Tintoretto, 弗朗索瓦·布歇 F. Boucher, 安东尼·凡·克 A.Van Dyck, 弗朗西斯柯·德·苏巴朗 F. Zurbaran, 草间弥生, Kaws, 奈良美智, 赵无极等


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