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尼日利亚现代绘画艺术家尼基德卡·阿库衣·克洛斯比(Njideka Akunyili Crosby)
温钦画廊 / 2024-05-27



尼基德卡·阿库衣·克洛斯比(Njideka Akunyili Crosby)1983年出生于尼日利亚埃努古,目前生活和工作于洛杉矶。

尼基德卡·阿库衣·克洛斯比(Njideka Akunyili Crosby)的作品将时尚杂志上的图像、尼日利亚流行歌星的照片以及艺术家自己的家庭相册叠加到亲密的家庭场景中。她于16岁搬到美国,对文化混杂的体验也是她作品中的一个重要主题。


尼基德卡·阿库衣·克洛斯比(Njideka Akunyili Crosby)的作品多次参加拍卖,成交价从 11,250 美元到 4,740,000 美元不等,具体取决于作品的尺寸和材质。自 2016 年以来,这位艺术家的拍卖纪录是 4,740,000 美元的《The Beautyful Ones》(上图),于 2022 年在纽约佳士得拍出。



I Refuse to be Invisible, 2010

ink, charcoal, acrylic and transfers on paper

117 3/4 x 82 in. (300 x 208.2 cm.)








Mimetic Gestures, 2010

oil, printed paper collage and lace on canvas

83 ½ x 67 in. (212.1 x 170.2 cm.)








Untitled, Executed circa 2010

oil, fabric and printed paper collage on canvas

91.4 x 122 cm. 36 x 48 1/8 in.








5 Umezebi Street, New Haven, Enugu, 2012

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, charcoal, and pastel on paper

85 x 105 inches (215.9 x 266.7 cm)








Tea Time in New Haven, Enugu, 2013

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, charcoal, and collage on paper

84 x 111 inches (213.4 x 281.9 cm)








Mama, Mummy, and Mamma (Predecessors #2) , 2014

Acrylic, color pencil, charcoal, and transfers on paper

84 x 144 inches (213.4 x 365.8 cm)








The Beautyful Ones, Series #1c, 2014

Acrylic, color pencil, and transfers on paper

60 x 42 inches (152.4 x 106.7 cm)








Ike ya, 2016

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, and charcoal on paper

84 x 92 inches (213.4 x 233.7 cm)








Portals, 2016

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, collage, and fabric on paper

Each: 84 x 105 inches (213.4 x 266.7 cm)








Mother and Child, 2016

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, collage, and fabric on paper

96 x 124 inches (243.8 x 315 cm)








Home: As You See Me, 2017

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, charcoal, collage, and fabric on paper

84 x 83 1/4 inches (213.4 x 211.5 cm)








Bush Babies, 2017

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, and collage on paper

72 x 60 inches (182.9 x 152.4 cm)








When the Going Is Smooth and Good, 2017

Acrylic, transfers, colored pencil, charcoal, and collage on paper

101 x 83 1/2 inches (256.5 x 212.1 cm)








“The Beautyful Ones” Series #8,2018

Acrylic, color pencil, and transfers on paper

59 7/8 in.× 42 in.








“The Beautyful Ones” Series #7,2018

Acrylic, color pencil, and transfers on paper

42 in.× 59 7/8 in.








巴勃罗·毕加索 Pablo Picasso,安迪.沃霍尔文森特.梵高Vincent Gogh亨利.马蒂斯Henri Matisse弗里达·卡罗 F.KAHLO格哈德·里希特 G.Richter威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 W A Bouguereau马克·夏加尔M. Chagall克劳德·莫奈 C.Monet, 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 Rembrandt圭尔奇诺 Guercino, 马蒂亚·普雷蒂 Preti, 翁贝特·波丘尼 U. Boccioni鲁西奥·芳塔纳 L.Fontana弗朗西斯·培根 F. Bacon让-米歇尔.巴斯奎特J.M.Basquiat拉斐尔·桑西 Raffaello卡纳列托 A. Canaletto, 保罗·委罗内塞 Veronese, 皮埃尔.奥古斯特.雷诺阿 P.A. Renoir保罗.塞尚P.Cezanne雷尼·马格利特 R.Magritte萨尔瓦多.达利 S. Dali阿梅代奥.莫迪利亚尼 A.Modigliani, 希罗尼穆斯·博斯 H.Bosch, 弗朗西斯科.戈雅 F.Goya, 彼得.保罗.鲁本斯 P.P. Rubens, 丁托列托 Tintoretto, 弗朗索瓦·布歇 F. Boucher, 安东尼·凡·克 A.Van Dyck, 弗朗西斯柯·德·苏巴朗 F. Zurbaran, 草间弥生Kaws奈良美智, 赵无极等


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